Immigration is NOT the No. 1 problem in this country, as the right wing pushes the media to tell you. The No. 1 problem is a malignant narcissist, leading a corrupted right-wing political party ...
Then the two chambers form a committee made up of members from ... best articulation of the immigration issue that I’ve seen to date. I have long opined here in the letters and on my golf ...
Letter writer Ricky Kendall (“Solution offered,” Sept. 6) promoted the current Democrat misinformation when he stated that the immigration bill that Republicans opposed was a bipartisan fix to ...
Immigration has become an exaggerated political issue, especially considering we or our ancestors all came here as immigrants, including native Americans, who arrived from Asia way before anybody else ...
Maine 1st Congressional District candidate Ron Russell remains consistent on his position in support of legal immigration to the United States. Ron believes legal immigration is tied to our ...
It was interesting to read about Rep. Mike Flood complaining about the immigration issue and blaming it on President Biden. I wish I’d remembered his town hall meeting so I could have asked him ...
In one of the former president’s several outlandish missives, Trump ranted about his anti-immigrant immigration policy. Among ...
The Rasmussen Reports Immigration Index for August decreased ... eventually other adult relatives that can include extended family and their spouses’ families. Sixty-three percent (63%) are ...
More than 200 organizations sent a letter to North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper Wednesday asking him to veto a controversial immigration and education spending bill.
As a longtime faculty member of several colleges ... He shamelessly used a family’s grief when Aiden Clark, a child, was accidentally killed by an immigrant, turning their loss into a campaign ...
Immigrant rights groups say ICE has a pattern of keeping immigrants detained for months, and even years, after they have won their immigration cases, putting a toll on them and their families.
There's much talk about the Haitian refugee controversy but local lawyers say Project 2025 is a bigger threat. What is it?